JOHN DILLINGER Left: Sentenced to Indiana Reformatory September 15, 1934 Crime:Intent to rob and conspiracy to commit a felony. Sentenced:10-21 years and 2-14 years. Paroled May 23,1933. Parole was revoked October 17,1933 Captured and taken to Lima, Ohio. Escaped October 12, 1933 Captured January 25, 1934 by Tucson Police Dillinger broke out of Crown Point on March 3, 1934. Dillinger was killed by federal agents on July 22,1934 in Chicago. These historical moments in time seem to be just a memory to some, but remain in the minds of others as a reminder of the past. Let us not forget the many who risk their lives to bring criminal's to justice. Good or bad, history also includes the criminal's who became legends during these lawless times. From the Author of the best selling book Dillinger, The Hidden Truth. Thank You. Below: Original members of the first Dillinger gang, all pictures(unless marked) Courtesy of Tony Stewart. In memory of the late Joe Pinkston, Prior owner of The John Dillinger Historical Wax Museum.

Harry Pierpont Left: Sentenced to Indiana Reformatory May 6, 1925 Later transfered To Indiana State Prison at Michigan City Crime:Bank Robbery Sentenced: 10-21 years. Escaped September 26, 1933 Liberated Dillinger from Lima, Ohio killing Sheriff Jesse Sarber. Captured on January 25, 1934 in Tucson, Arizona On September 22, 1934 Pierpont and Makley unsuccessfully attempted an escaped from Columbus, Ohio with two guns fashioned from soap. Pierpont took a bullet in the spine, but lived. Pierpont was executed in the electric chair in Columbus, Ohio on October 17, 1934 for the murder of Jesse Sarber.
Charles Makley Sentenced to Indiana Reformatory June 6, 1928 Later transfered To Indiana State Prison at Michigan City Crime:Robbery Sentenced: 10-20 years. Escaped September 26, 1933 Participated in the liberation of Dillinger on October 12, 1933 from Lima, Ohio. Captured January 25, 1934 in Tucson, Arizona. Makley was shot to death while trying escape death row with Harry Pierpont on September 22, 1934 in Columbus, Ohio

Russell Clark Sentenced to Indiana Reformatory December 12,1927 Later transfered To Indiana State Prison at Michigan City Crime:Bank Robbery Sentenced: 20 years. Escaped September 26, 1933 from Indiana State Prison. Captured in Tucson, Arizona January 25, 1934. Clark was sentenced to life in prison. He was later paroled and died December 24,1968 on Christmas Eve at age 70.
John Hamilton Sentenced to Indiana Reformatory March 16,1927 Later transfered To Indiana State Prison at Michigan City Crime:Auto Banditry & Bank Robbery Sentenced: 25 years. Escaped September 26, 1933 Hamilton was mortally wounded April 23,1934 by police near St. Paul after escaping the FBI trap at the Little Bohemia Lodge. He died four days later on April 27, and was buried near Oswego, Illinois by Dillinger and other gang members. Hamilton was the only member to be involved in both Dillinger's gangs.

Indiana State Prison at Michigan City Ten men walked straight out the front doors of the Michigan City Prison on September 26, 1933 Lead by Harry Pierpont in the most daring and biggest escape ever in Indiana's history to this date. The break sparked a nationwide manhunt and lit the fuze that soon exploded into the greatest crimewave ever heard across the midwest. Courtesy of Clinton Public Library

Personal note: Love and trust are the greatest healers on earth. Unpleasant conflicts do not award anyone, physical altercations only end in visits to doctors or dentists Philadelphia to California....I believe in compromise solutions Peace brings happiness to all. ......Tony Stewart