All Photograph's Courtesy of Tom Hollatz Tom Hollatz was close a friend of author 7ony Stewart. He was a Well-Known Wisconsin author and radio personality who wrote books ranging from the John Dillinger biography & Gangster Holidays to the ghost story collection and The Haunted Northwoods. He was the host of the syndicated radio talk show Outdoor Edition. Tom died of a heart attack on July 8 2003, in Boulder Junction, WI at age 64 while playing tennis. Tom, thank you for kindly contributing to my book, "Dillinger, The Hidden Truth." You will always be remembered. Rat-a-tat-tat
Author of the book GANGSTER HOLIDAYS, The Lore and the Legends of the Bad Guys. This is an extraordinary true story with historical facts about several lendendary outlaws such as John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, Al Capone and many others who traveled to the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin.NEW! Check out the amazing new GANGSTER HOLIDAY'S, The Video, For details go to the bottom of this page.
On April 22,1934 the FBI surrounded the Little Bohemia Lodge and opened fire after learning that the Dillinger gang were inside. Most of the gang escaped without firing a shot, with the exception of Baby Face Nelson. He was said to have exchanged shots with Agent Melvin Purvis. The FBI's reputation was dragged through the mud by newspapers across the states. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was outraged!
This photograph was shot on the 50th anniversity of Dillinger's escape from the Little Bohemia Lodge. The outlaws climbed from the second story window in picture above and jumped onto a snow bank much like the one shown. The outlaws then fled through the woods.
Agents Hollis and Sam Cowley closed in on Baby Face Nelson in Barrington, Illinois. Bullets tore through the radiator, Nelson made a sharp right turn and came to an abrupt halt. Agents Hollis and Cowley sped past, stopping to the left in above picture. Nelson's car is on the right.
Gangster Holidays, The Lore and Legend of the Bad Guys
"Gangster Holidays, the Lore and Legend of the Bad Guys" the fabled stories of John Dillinger, Ralph and Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson...it got four rat-a-tat-tat's in review circles...a must!!!
Also look for "Gangster Holidays, the Video" Video Art Productions, 2217 Goecks Ct, Cottage grove, WI 53527 608-873-5784
"HOODS IN THE WOODS" (Coming soon!)
Indian moon-recipe book "To Have a Feast" features the fabled Native American moons and corresponding recipes--the old way and the modern way. Tom Hollatz traveled throughout the U.S., visiting various tribes...taste this terrific book...
Ziggy, the World's Greatest Elephant, the wild tale about the most loved wild elephant who ever lived. A true story! Housed indoors at Brookfield Zoo for 29 years, Ziggy's exploits generated oceans of love from worldwide fans who all chipped him to buy him an outdoor pen. The artwork is by Ray Shlemon, Chicago Tribune artist, who drew Dick Tracy for a time. Kids and adults love this book... Li'l red Book of Fishin'Tips" is among the hottest selling fishing books in the world...filled with quips and sometimes funny sayings...if you love to fish--or the outdoors--you'll love the Red Book... These books can be purchased at: Tom Hollatz, 10699 N. Creek, Boulder Junction WI 54512 Also look for "The Haunted Northwoods"(out in mid-November)...the third in the series of ghostly happenings in the strange and dark woods...travel to the mystery lights of Watersmeet, Mich., the Summerwind ghost mansion, Sven the lumberjack ghost and others...the book is eerie and fun at once... from The ghost series in the near future at: North Star Press, Box 451, St. Cloud MN 56302